Happy New Year’s…ostomates

Let’s start our year off with a bang!!!

What are your New Year resolutions.? What are the changes you want to make to better yourself in this New Year? These are some of the questions we need to ask ourselves; not only yearly but daily.

Us Ostomates have experienced first hand how life can throw obstacles in your way to stop your progression. But I am here to let you know that a detour is NOT a stop sign… By staying persistent and holding ourselves accountable we can and we will accomplish anything we put our, minds to. The road won’t be easy but by using all of the help and avaliable resources along the way; we WILL maintain our goals and a happier and healthier life.


Some days can be a bit challenging, and somewhat over whelming, here’s a few tips to help start the process

  1. Making a daily to do list for the day. (if you don’t get to all the task on the list. Let the task be the first task on the list the next day.)
  2. Writing in a daily food journal, can help identify any changes in the output. Having a record of your intake can help determine how your body reacts to certain foods.
  3. Remaining Active can help with maintaining weight, prevent parastomal hernia and improve mental well-being (ensure that you have no complications that could compromise postoperative recovery)

Learning to manage your intake can contribute to the form of the stool and frequency of the output. The newsletter below focuses on the fiber intake for a Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy.


For more nutrition and health information, please send a message through the contact page.

Thank you to our ostomy communities for making donations possible for other ostomates in need

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