Emotional Roller Coaster…

As a long time Ostamate I am fully aware of the emotional roller coasters that may arise. The permanent and significant changes to our bodies force us to adjust to our new body images. For those who struggle with their self- esteem and body image, this new way of life can serve as a devastating blow. But as an Ostomy veteran I am here to tell you these feelings are normal in your initial stages of change. Change is uncomfortable and very scary at times but once we find a sense of stability, we can begin to see the true beauty of this glorious life we live.

Commonly Ostomates may experience bouts of depression and anxiety post surgery. Accepting change with your body image can be hard, fearful or overwhelming. Without proper acknowledgement, Understanding and managent of these emotions, it can contribute to negative effects on our lives. The loss of interest in participating in social, emotional and physical daily living activities, can be symptoms of these emotions concealing our lives into a shallow place.

If you or someone you know is struggling mentally and emotionally contact NSPL @ 800-273-8255(TALK)

After letting go of old lifestyles, and adapting to a new norm the initial depression and anxiety that some experience after surgery can start to subside. Embracing and learning new coping skills, in our daily living routine, can help with a new way of living.


The learning and growing process takes time and may consist of many trials and errors. Gaining knowledge on how to live with an ostomy can be helpful with managing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Connecting with other ostomates in an ostomy support group with the same or similar circumstances can be extremely beneficial.

Ostomy Support Groups are sponsored by local chapters of United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA)

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